PlayMore Golf - Pay it as it lies?
PlayMore Golf - Pay it as it lies? Introduction Playmoregolf (PMG) is a great idea for the avid South African golfer, be it the scratch player down to a weekend hacker. If you play a lot of games, say 4 times a month, you can pay a measly R800 for 4 rounds of golf which equates to R200 per game. If you play once a month, you get a game for R269. There's a nice portal where you can log in and book for yourself and your golf buddies as well. You can even see who's on the tee-sheet in cases there's a bloke you'd rather not play with. Some memberships give you 10% of your purchases at the Pro-shop owned by the same company. Apparently the golf industry is worth R18 billion rand in South Africa, of which there are maybe 2 major players, Pro Shop and the Golfer's club . I have to say, I get better service at the Golfer's club versus the Pro-shop, so when the Pro-shop has a better price on something I want, I know I have to sell my self out a little (sometimes che...